Institutional Strength

  • Rural Students, natural environment and Eco-friendly campus.
  • Very Supportive management and administrative set up.
  • There are 14 faculty members holding Ph.D. Degree.
  • Among 14 faculty members, 11 are research guide.
  • Strict Adherence to the academic calendar. A Work diary is maintained by every teacher.
  • The average pass percentage is above 75.
  • College provides student dairy which include information about syllabus, academic calendar, teachers profile, institutional vision and mission etc. to the students.
  • Faculty members are involved in public activities to establish link between the institution and the community.
  • NSS Unit carries out social Activities like blood donation camps, education to rural students and health camps.
  • Ability to transform backward students to cope up the current scenario.
  • Our Management members are doing their best to provide advanced infrastructure.

Institutional Weakness

  • Recruitment rules and roles of non-teaching staff is not aligned to ICT based education. This poses tremendous pressure on teachers using these technologies.
  • Most of the students are from suburban and rural background and they lack communication skill.
  • Progression of students to higher education on an average is poor.
  • Conduct of in-house professional development programs for faculty and administrative staff is less.
  • The college is yet to receive the sanction for 2(F) and 12(B).
  • The college has rented campus.
  • Large number of average students and economically backward students.
  • our library is computerized partially but in this electronic era, the library should have the adequate facilities in the relation to the ICT.
  • The college relies on government funding for its improvement in infrastructure. Due to increasing strength of the students, the infrastructure needs to be increased, so we have to search for the resources for mobilization of the funds.

Institutional Opportunity

  • Scope for preparing national and international sportsperson.
  • Scope for initiating more number of community development programs.
  • Improving the soft skills and employment ability among students, in view of their rural based background.
  • Modernization of classrooms with state of the art ICT facilities and good ambiance.
  • Replacing conventional energy with solar.
  • Promotion of rural students’ empowerment through skill development.
  • Increasing the strength of students especially girl students.
  • Minimize drop out and failure rate.
  • Opening of PG courses in different departments.
  • There are opportunities to introduce new career oriented courses and short term skill development programmes.
  • To start research center for the subjects like languages and social science.
  • Development and modernization of practical laboratories such as psychology, home science and geography.

Institutional Challenges

  • The parental attitude to get the students marries before completing the course.
  • To make the students communicate in English.
  • Complete digitization of the library of the college.
  • Improving language and communication skill among students.
  • Continuously upgrading technological tools of education.
  • Infrastructural constraints in terms of space for hostel and playground.
  • Constant repair and maintenance of the infrastructural facilities and the building as a whole is one of the greatest challenges.
  • The student-computer ratio is inadequate and many more computers need to be provided to the students. This is not always possible due to inadequate funds and infrastructural facilities.
  • The library needs to be expanded and digitized for its smooth functioning and students reading room needs to be expanded as well as staff reading room is urgently required.
  • This requires fund and the fund raising is the foremost challenge for us.
  • New recruitment of teaching and non teaching staff as per government regulations.
  • Fetching the grants from public and private sector.